To resolve the problems of our patients with our available resources in the shortest time possible.
our vision
To become a health center providing full, treatment and care services at international standards.
Our quality policy
from patient's entrance to exit
Friendly approach and strong communication
The treatment of human beings of the era
The fastest and most effective use of medical facilities
Customer is satisfied separation.
Keeping our promises and providing information in the light of scientific data.
To be verbal and to respect the rights of patients within the ethical rules.
To keep our channels constantly open and to provide continuous information and information regardless of the socioeconomic level of our patient.
Be productive; To evaluate our clinical applications continuously and to use the data obtained in future applications.
Manage together; To be aware that the gains are not caused by a single person or factor. To value everyone's views regardless of their identity or qualification
No compromise on quality in service production.
Adopting the principle of olarak Quality is a journey that will never come to an end “
To keep the satisfaction of our colleagues who share the same environment with us. To be aware that our colleagues who shared the same environment are the main reference transmitters for us. Keeping communication with our colleagues at the highest level.
To be sensitive to environmental consciousness and to provide respectful service to our environment. To improve the quality of life of our patients to guide the natural